Difference Between Iodine And Iodide

Difference Between Iodine And Iodide
Difference Between Iodine And Iodide

The key difference between iodine and iodide is that the iodine is a chemical element whereas the iodide is an anion.

We can understand the iodine and iodide variation very easily if one has a basic understanding of chemistry. But, there are many who confuse with the two terms and use the two words interchangeably, which is not correct. Iodine is a chemical compound that is purple in colour whereas iodide is an ion and cannot remain in free state implying it has to combine with another element or elements to form a compound. Hence, iodine is an element with high atomic number 53, and we can represent it by the symbol I whereas iodide being an ion and is represented by 1-.
